Green Network benefits

Some of the potentially wide-reaching benefits derived from green networks are shown in the table below (taken from SNH's Green Networks in Development Planning Information Note)

Improving the perceived
quality, identity and
connectivity of places
  • Improving physical connections between places;
  • Reinforcing landscape character and strengthening local identity
  • Influencing how settlements should grow in the future.
Stimulating the economy
  • Providing attractive settings for business and residents
  • Increasing perceived property values and employment opportunities
Adapting places to better
withstand the physical
effects of climate change
  • Managing surface water to prevent flooding
  • Providing shelter and protection from extreme weather
  • Countering the ‘heat island’ effect of urban areas
Mitigating environmental
impact through encouraging sustainable lifestyles in terms of resource consumption and travel
  • Reducing CO² emissions through non-vehicular travel routes
  • Supplying locally sourced timber, biomass or other bio-fuels to replace fossil fuels
  • Providing carbon storage and sequestration in vegetation
  • Reducing ‘food miles’ by providing local food growing facilities
Providing recreational
opportunities and promoting healthier lifestyle
  • Reducing health problems through improved opportunities for physical activity
  • Improving mental well-being by providing access to natural and attractive green spaces
  • Providing opportunities for growing food and healthy eating
Maintaining and enhancing
  • Linking existing habitats or natural features
  • Providing habitats and wildlife corridors for species movement
Improving the wider environmental performance of places in terms of micro-climate, recycling and reducing air and noise pollution
  • Shelter planting for buildings and open spaces from the wind
  • Improving air quality through filtration of pollutants by trees and other vegetation
  • Providing for green waste recycling through composting
  • Providing green structures such as living walls, mass planting or mounding to attenuate noise.
Providing educational
  • Providing engagement with nature to promote horticultural skills
  • Creating opportunities for community participation/volunteering
Improving community
  • Providing improved connections between places
  • Creating space for interaction and social events
Managing surface water run-off
  • Providing above ground and interconnected routes for water
  • Creating areas for flood attenuation or water storage
  • Slowing water flow and improving biodiversity value of water bodies