A new report from the University of Sheffield entitled 'Designing Blue Green Infrastructure (BGI) for water management, human health, and wellbeing: summary of evidence and principles for design' explores this question and provides detailed recommendations for practitioners. The report can be found here.
Building with Nature Training
When: 4 and 5 November
This training from Building with Nature provides an opportunity for participants to understand the characteristics of high-quality green infrastructure, add commercial value to their consultancy and become part of a growing network of Assessors who are passionate about making great places for people and wildlife to live. To register, click here.
Managing Scotland's parks and green spaces during COVID-19
This new publication from Greenspace Scotland brings together the latest guidance from the Scottish Government and other organisations on adapting and managing green spaces in Scotland during COVID-19. The guide can be found here.
Street Design Standards
This briefing sheet from TDAG and the Urban Design Group sets out current and withdrawn practice for street design standards. The aim is to help inform and empower officers to ensure current standards are applied to all street design projects. To read, click here.
Levelling up through urban green infrastructure
Commissioned by the National Trust, a new report by Vivid Economics calls for at least 1% of the £640 billion of gross capital investment on infrastructure be spent of greening the poorest neighbourhoods. Such valuable investment could bring £200 billion in physical health and wellbeing benefits. The three interventions proposed are greening urban streets, upgrading poor quality parks and creating regional parks and forests in the urban fringe. The report can be found here.